The final sketch for my “Tread Softly” watercolour painting
This piece was created during lockdown when I found a great deal of solace in wooded areas and natural spaces. I would find myself loosing myself to my surroundings and that is what I have tried to convey through this drawing. A twisting, tumbling and immersive experience for all the senses.
Work in progress as I begin to paint and gather together found foliage from walks
“It’s a dangerous buisiness going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to...”
I love to let people in and see the process in my paintings. It’s all part of the fun to me. I work from life as often as possible and gather different botanical elements to include in my work as it evolves.
Feet in icey blue, work in progress
Tread Soflty, Watercolor 2020
This watercolour painting is a collection of everything I love about loosing myself to the forest. The solitude and beauty to be found in twisting trees, tufts of fungi and creeping ivy.